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Back To School

Do they put a blanket over the Mona Lisa? Do they take a bed sheet and cover the Venus de Milo? No, you don’t cover up great works of art, you share them with the world.



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  1. What the fuck is wrong with you inbred, ill-educated rednecks?

    Oh, wait. I just answered my own question.

    There is no need to go through life fat and stupid. Ugly is genetic but just because you lost that particular lottery doesn’t mean you have to give in and be an embarrassing mong.

  2. I would hit that shit, gut should be bigger but 8/10.

    My trailer lot is 69, if you know what I mean. 😉

  3. A quick school supply shopping trip on his way to the lake? Hope he has on some strong spf. The rays inside Wal-Mart can get pretty intense.

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