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WWIB: Leg Tats

We got ourselves an old fashioned “Who Wears It Better?” – Leg Tat Edition. So who you got? Can you see the camo or did bandana lady put a bow on this competition?



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    • Success at what, the street corner? Neither has a chance of getting a public contact job. Actually, probably neither is employed and is paying with their WIC card.

  1. I’m sorry that you are presupposing that this nice ass in the white mini has crabs and the clap — you are very astute to be able to tell all this from a photo………..

    • It is always a safe assumption that a nasty, trashy girl is diseased.

      To paraphrase Chris Rock, I am not calling her a prostitute but she is wearing a prostitutes uniform.

    • If you think that is a nice ass, I feel sorry for you. Where do you live? Alabama? West Virginia? Idaho?

      In no reasonable universe is that a nice ass.

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