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Shoot for the stars kiddos. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.



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  1. Even with the pic on the right, I’m not sure. Either it’s a man who’s had the full chop-job done, or a lady with a bad case of age-related onset man-face.

  2. Well you sick motherfucker. You are obsessed with this whatever the hell it is. Since this is now Shim of Walmart, I will not be visiting this site. It was a nice site until it showed up here.

  3. This is a woman. Shes from Jasper Alabama. She was in an abusive relationship with a man who made her dress this way etc and go out in public with and without him. About 2 years ago she finally escaped and moved to another county and no longer dresses etc like this. She had been abused for over 25 years. So enjoy being assholes to a domestic violence victim.

  4. Being of that age group, I thought she looked pretty good, nobody is perfect passed 30 so she would be fine for me. At my age anything would be a bonus

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