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Go Tigers

I think I’m gonna skip my back to school shopping this year.



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    Just like with actual tigers, stay far away.

    Looks less like Tigers, and more like Boulders.

    Those shorts look too big for tigers. Perhaps better suited for hippos or rhinos.

    That would be even worse if she were standing straight up.

    I don’t even think Nemesis’s needle dick could get in there.

    I think Nemesis volunteers to find out how long it takes to insert and remove those shorts. And I don’t think he has to worry about her being touched by black guys, since I don’t see them risking getting their dicks amputated after getting caught in there.

  2. That is HORRFYING! On the other hand, whenever I start to feel a bit down about my bigger-than-it-used-to-be ass, it’s sights like this that make me realize it could be WAAAY worse.

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