Couples that are inappropriate together, stay together….mainly because nobody else wants them, but I digress. It’s couples retreat time in this “Who Wears It Better?” between these love birds. Arizona More
In Walmart we aren’t concerned about whether the dress is white and gold or blue and black. Because in the mean streets of Wally World, you don’t even have to have any crazy colors to look like a fool. Black and white will do just fine around these parts. Illinois More
The new spinoff to the popular “Girls Gone Wild” video, “Grannies Gone Wild” as seen here, did not succeed with the same gusto as its predecessor. Utah More
I don’t know about you guys but I’m pretty excited to see the groundhog pop up out of those holes and find out if he sees his shadow or not. Louisiana More
Well we’ve got ourselves a little freak on freak showdown here. You guys trying to bring sexy back or do you just think it’s nice to be naughty? Florida More
If you wanted to have a whole bunch of messy weird ass hair on your head, would you go with the nappy look or the unraveled ball of yarn? California More
Toilet humor…I can’t talk “shit” on it because we do our fair share of it around here, but we keep it to the friendly confines of the internet, not on walking display in Walmart. But if we were to pick one of the two here, I think we’d go stick figure. Thoughts? Arkansas More
In this gross disgusting edition of “Who Wears It Better?” we have some thick ol’ beaver swamp looking hair going up against the lady being eaten by a giant Yorkie. Alaska More
You know what I love about ugly Christmas sweaters? It’s that women over 50 have no idea they are ugly Xmas sweaters. They just think they are some good looking sweaters. It’s the best. 3 days people, get jolly! Ohio More
Well at some point deep down we all knew this day would come when sagging literally and figuratively hit an all time low. Can’t argue with fashion trends I suppose so “Who Wears it Better?” Connecticut More