Who Wears It Better?
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in Featured Creature, Funny, Short Shorts/No Shorts/Underwear, Walmart Fashion, Who Wears It Better?
WWIB: Bakin’ Biscuits
I think it’s official. Walmart is the largest baker of bottom biscuits in the world. Unknown More
WWIB: The Volunteers
Is there anything better than casual dads with team pride? Everything they own for the weekend comes in one school color. Tennessee More
WWIB: Face Your Mistakes
It’s 2018, there have got to be less permanent ways to make mistakes by now right? California & Ohio More
WWIB: F Yourself
Who gives f*cks better? Personally, I always favor a man that can tell me to go F myself subtly. It’s slick. You made me read and interpret my own f*ck you. That’s good. Michigan & Mississippi More
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in Colorado, Featured Creature, Funny, Short Shorts/No Shorts/Underwear, Walmart Fashion, Who Wears It Better?WWIB: Mixing It Up
You’re at a rave, the ecstasy is banging hard, everyone is gorgeous and just living it up. Then they turn the lights on and you look around at everyone wondering wtf?!?! Colorado More
in Featured Creature, Funny, Short Shorts/No Shorts/Underwear, Texas, Walmart Fashion, Who Wears It Better?
WWIB: Furry Boots
Calling this a “Who Wears It Better?” is extremely fitting in this scenario due to the fact that I have no idea what to call any of this besides “It”. Texas More
in Featured Creature, Funny, Maryland, Short Shorts/No Shorts/Underwear, Walmart Fashion, Who Wears It Better?
WWIB: Workout Clothes
Theres still time to get that body back in shape for beach season folks. I just need to know which outfit I should wear? Maryland More
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in Featured Creature, Funny, Mullets/Tails, Washington, West Virginia, Who Wears It Better?WWIB: Bad Cuts
Short hair combined with a little long flavor in the back never goes out of style. So Who Wears It Better? Washington & West Virginia More
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in Featured Creature, Funny, Georgia, Short Shorts/No Shorts/Underwear, Walmart Fashion, Who Wears It Better?WWIB: The Biscuit Counter
It’s funny, we’re checking you out while you’re checking yourself out. Don’t forget to pay for all those bottom biscuits. Georgia More
WWIB: Swallowed Whole
One way to show off the fact that you’ve got legs for days is to wear giant boots and socks that look like you’re being swallowed by two anacondas. Who do you think wears that pro fashion tip better? Missouri More
in Featured Creature, Funny, Texas, Walmart Fashion, Who Wears It Better?WWIB: Jamming Out
It’s been a minute since we’ve done a “Who Wears it Better?” so why not jump back into bed with it. Who you guys got in this jammie jam? Texas More
WWIB: Let Down Your Hair
Ok people, I need some help. I’m going for a new hairstyle and I can’t pick between Rapunzel and Flaming Cheetos guy. Which look do you think is more in right now? Illinois More