That’s a good look there sweetheart. The “hooker that should have retired decades ago but is too stubborn to quit” is a tough one to pull off but you nailed it. Arizona More
Why walk a few feet and piss in the Walmart bathrooms which are open 24/7? Where is the fun in that? Good thing you opened those car doors, very sneaky there, we definitely can’t see what you’re doing and if we can’t then the police definitely can’t either. Arizona More
Ah yes, the mother-daughter afro perm special. I’ll let you guys decide which of these two curlycue non-orphan Annies wear it better. Arizona & Florida More
Not every person that goes to Walmart is a bad looking Walcreature. Some are just really self-absorbed attention seekers. My real question is in like 30 years or so when this generation’s children want to see pictures of their parents in their youth, will any of them have a pic that shows their face? Seriously, […] More
I’ve been saying for years that we are due for another classic Beethoven movie. Maybe this time he becomes a security guard at Walmart or something?!?! I don’t know, I’m not a screenwriter, but I’m liking every minute of the idea. Arizona More
Hell ya! These stylish kids know exactly what’s up. If it’s not enough to have some weird long ass ponytail mullet looking thing going on, you felt the need to accentuate that by shaving the sides of your head. Let people know it was no mistake and that they are indeed gazing upon glory. Arizona […] More