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Brown Bag It

I was about to say something then realized if put to a vote, we’d all prefer the silent bag over her head instead of the shouting at us that usually occurs.



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    • I’m not a huge fan of Kate Brown, but she’s far better than the alternative. There’s just a lot of Oregodians who hate her for the simple reason she has the wrong letter after her name.

      • You are correct. I am 100% convinced that if Trump was still a democrat (he switched) the left would love him, and the right would hate him.

        (I hate them all)

        • I hate all the lying politicians that we usually have. Trump has been a refreshing break. I hated him as a businessman/reality show host but he has been superb as a president.

  1. I want the Lord to wipe away my sins, not wipe my nose. The grave yards are full of devout people of all faiths; mask up and shut up!

  2. Well, as of today, the militia is calling Michigan Gov. Whitmer a “tyrant” and tried to kidnap her, then try her for “treason”. This “bag lady” might be crazier than the think

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