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Out Of This World

Ain’t no coronavirus on Mars bitches. Peace, I’m out!!!



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  1. On the moon gravity is not a concern but on every other planet very much so.

  2. On occasion Scotty was known to use the tractor beam.

    • What? That thing came from my anus? Why am I only finding that out now?

      Scorched Earth

  3. Luke: I am not your father; he is.

    Scorched Earth

  4. Wonder where he got a suit this big to fit him from, certainly wouldn’t be from NASA or Elon Musk.

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  6. At first glance I thought it said SHART CART – my mistake!

  7. Finally, something that can protect you from a virus goes into use. Masks are completely and utterly useless yet we have half the population paranoid to go outside (maybe even inside) without one.

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