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in Animals, Featured Creature, FunnyCoon For Poon
To be fair, this is exactly who I’d expect to be carrying a raccoon around Walmart in the middle of the day. Unknown More
Always Wear Protection
At least this dude is smart enough to have a mask on, everybody else in the store getting some sort of disease. Mark that down. Damn outbreak monkey. Unknown More
Quack, Quack
I’d be pissed your brought a non-service animal into Walmart but then I remembered from my good Coach Gordon Bombay that ducks fly together. Unknown More
Monkey Spunk
I never thought I’d say this to someone, but I hope that monkey jizzes on your neck. Unknown More
Dog’s Worst Friend
Even your dog is embarrassed of you bro. Unknown More
The Goat Carrier
Honestly, I’ve been staring at this for like 20 minutes trying to think of a great caption, but I don’t think there is one out there that would do this picture of a damn goat in a baby carrier any justice. Sometimes a picture might be worth more than 1,000 words. Unknown More
My Pet Iggy
I can’t think of a good reason to have an iguana. Quick add-on, if I did have an iguana I can’t think of a good reason to take it out in public. And as we keep going down this path, I can’t think of a single reason that if I did take it out in […] More
Doggy Style
Listen pal, nobody wants to see a live-action ventriloquist dummy so get your thumb out of that dog’s ass. Iowa More
Dogs of Walmart
I suppose if you’re bringing your dog into Walmart it might as well look the part. Unknown More
The Russian Prez
Is that Vladimir Putin at Walmart?!?! Florida More
One Too Many Snakes
If only Samuel L. Jackson were here to make me feel safe. Unknown More