I was visiting a Walmart in Illinois a couple of months ago and after paying for my items, I decided to relieve myself. So, while at the urinal I heard this horrendous moaning coming from within the stall. I swear the guy in there must have been shitting a cactus. At the same time an old man walked into the bathroom and lit a stogie and decided to just hang out. After doing my business, I went to wash my hands and next to me was a man with a blood soaked t-shirt washing a huge amount of blood from his arms and hands. So as I was washed my hands, an old man was staring at me while standing in front of a stall of a man who was going through labor from his ass, and was sharing a sink with a man who presumably just slaughtered a pig. If there was just a midget riding a tricycle it would have made it even better.
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